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Thursday, August 24, 2006
it's a man thing
Don loves his new machete.
Me? Not so much.
Yes, I'm pointing pathetically to the one frail stem I managed to cut down after several minutes of energetic swinging. He, on the other hand, cleared off an entire section of the fence in the same amount of time.
men will focus on a task that is simultaneously destructive and helpful, lol...
watch out for poison ivy/oak! we seem to hit it every year in our jungle in darker mount washington.
NOW he tells me! We both have it. :(
(You fiance has delusions of being Indiana Jones!)
yeah snay, they had to run away when the naked hovitos ran out with their spears and blowguns, so no pix of that :D
I've never even seen Indiana Jones. :(
Jamaila -- Woman. Get thyself to thy video store.
J$ -- Hey, who wouldn't?
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